Valuers you can trust

PM Valuations’ asset valuers have experience across a broad range of property types, regions and industries. This experience ranges from valuing residential and rural properties through to valuing some of Australia’s largest infrastructure assets such as mining process plants, power stations and manufacturing plants. Our valuers technical expertise developed while valuing such a broad range of assets is fundamental to providing you with a valuer and in turn a valuation you can trust regardless of the type of asset. Whether it be valuing the family home or all the tangible assets of a large business our valuers constantly strive to provide the highest level of service possible.

A valuer you can refer to your clients throughout Australia

At PM Valuations we greatly appreciate you referring your valued clients to us. We realise that a large amount of our work comes to us as a result of a recommendation from lawyers, accountants and insurance brokers throughout Australia. We always encourage professional advisers referring us to let us know you have referred us so we can keep you updated with the valuation progress and discuss any interesting or potentially important issues that may arise. Further to this we believe that as your knowledge of valuation processes and concepts grows so does the value you can add to our mutual clients businesses and our professional relationship and relevance.

Cost competitive property, plant and machinery valuations

PM Valuations aims to provide a cost competitive valuation service across all of our service regions. Whether it be an industrial premises on the NSW mid-north coast, Brisbane or Sydney or a specialised plant and equipment valuation anywhere in Australia we will provide a written fixed fee quote outlining what we promise to deliver at the best possible price.

Valuer Guarantee

Every valuer and valuation consultant completing Property, Plant and Equipment Valuations for PM Valuations has more than 15 years experience in asset valuations. This experience includes a large range of valuations for corporate, government and SME’s. Our network of valuers across Australia strive to maintain the highest level of advice and service for our clients valuation needs. Through use of valuers we believe are some of the best within the valuation profession, continual education, maintaining strong relationships with other leading valuation providers and being mindful of our clients needs we believe PM Valuations can provide professional property, plant and machinery valuations to the highest level.

Valuation Definitions

A large number of valuation definitions exist to meet client and project specific requirements. Some definitions are established by standards and regulations, some by common law and some are created and recognised by the valuation profession. Click on the following link for some of the more common valuation definitions. Please feel free to contact PM Valuations to discuss which valuation definition meets your specific valuation requirements.

Valuation Methodologies

In carrying out a property, plant and equipment valuation the valuer applies one of a number of accepted valuation methodologies. Click on the following link for a brief description of the three primary valuation approaches in determining a market value or market value based valuation definition such as fair value.  Please feel free to contact PM Valuations to discuss which valuation approaches would be adopted to value the various assets held by your company.

Valuation Standards

PM Valuations expert property, plant and machinery valuers continually stay abreast the range of standards and guidelines relating to property, plant and equipment valuations. Click on the following link for a summary of some of the most commonly adopted standards relevant to property, plant and equipment valuations;